Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Knights of the New Crusade

Something a bot different on punk legend Jello Biafra's 'alternative tentacles' label, these dudes dress up as crusaders and sing kicking garage rock songs about being christian fundamentalists. I really like them.


  1. These guys rock, I like them.

    "Lumpy's favorite Gospel is Mark for the aspects of Jesus' personality that it reveals. His favorite Old Testament book is Joel."

    Quite right too. I'm particularly liking they seem to wind the fuck out of various serious punk muso types.

  2. Yeah it's always good to annoy the po faced wankers of the punk scene,there is truly no scene on earth more reactionary and insular than american punk. There is a total debate raging about whether these guys are ironic, not ironic, too ironic, not ironic enough etc etc, it's hilarious.

    And I'm with him on Mark's gospel, but would have to go for Job from the old testament. Or the Song of Solomon cos it's porn.
