Saturday, October 23, 2010

American OTT Pop

This track only really possible with modern computer editing, compression and multi tracking vocals: amerie - one thing. It takes vocal maniulation to such insane levels that the impossibleness of what is actually been sung amazes me.

The song is entirely created from a bar from oh calcutta by the meters

The second track i want to put up is again entirely dependent on computers, as timbaland just plain stole it from some poor coder.

And the pimped up pop version

Its a fine line between good and piss poor. These are some of the few tracks i think retain any class while still being unashamedly over the top modern american productions. Any others?


  1. I hear what you mean about the vocal production, don't like either tune though, especially not the Nelly Furtado one. If the first one had no vocals at all it would be passable, but maybe I just don't get it . . .The 8bit tune that got ripped off sounds actually quite good, but that Nelly Furtado tune sounds really generic and bland to me.

    You're not going to start telling me that I'm supposed to like Lady Gaga are you Dave?

  2. I think youve gone mad if you think that amerie tune is pish. Take yer blinkers off.

  3. I'm really trying to get these blinkers aff, purely out of respect for you Dave, but they won't budge. Have listened to it 3 times now, but I have to admit it don't do nothing for me. Maybe it's prejudice but there you go. Maybe I have gone mad. I've been setting fire to animals while simultaneously wetting the bed for some time now.

  4. always had a soft spot for that amerie tune myself. here's a deadboy r&b mix for more slightly guilty kicks

  5. Aye I quite like that Amerie tune too, didn't know what it was before but I'm sure I've hummed it at college at some point.

    To the OTT Ameri-pop list can I add: pretty much anything by Missy Elliott, quite a lot of Destiny's Child/Beyonce, and Rihanna.

    I'm still waiting on the Blackout Crew's Bolton Remix of Bouncy's Single Ladies, mind...

    "If you liked it, then you should have put a donk on it."
