Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Somehow hadn't made the connection before but Jamie xx of The xx was the producer of GSH's I'm New Here album from the start of the year. I only knew that he was the owner/manager of XL Recordings.

Anyway - apparently he's just done a remix album of I'm New Here called We're New Here, which is available for listening and downloading purposes right aboot hyar. Might actually go listen to some of The xx now, having dismissed them out of hand previously.


  1. did the same on hearing this. his fact mix was pretty nice. if short

  2. hang on i've read this all wrong - he didn't produce the original album, he produced the xx's first album. makes a lot more sense that. the xx are on XL though, hence the connection presumably. sorry for any confusion...

  3. the xx are alright dsco. I ended up listening to their album in one of those potentially cringeworthy situations where someone has brought their mp3 player round your house and just has to play you stuff from it. I listened with prejudice and still came out the other side not hating it.

  4. glad to see i'm not the only one dismissing artists/bands/entire genres on a whim. least we can still man up and admit when we're wrong though eh? shall deffo give them a listen at some point. dreampop apparently?

  5. Just listened to a bunch of 'the xx' tunes on youtube.It's very cleverly produced, the sounds are extremely well put together - but the lyrics are shite and the music itself doesn't do anything for me - I kind of feel like I'm listening to two emo kids who have brought a guitar and a casio keyboard into the hospital to play their poetry for their grandad who's in a coma.

    Of course, I'm not discounting the possibility that I'm applying my own prejudices here, it's entirely possible that if I couldn't see their barely pubescent faces fixed in expressions earnest fashionable melancholy then I'd like them more. As it is I kind of want to bully them and steal their effects processors.

    Think I just prefer my dreampop psychedelic, and happy, and Japanese.
