Thursday, November 11, 2010


This is Sully, one of the probably lesser known producers coming out of London's hyped post-dubstep movement. Annoying catch-all hyphenated buzzwords aside, there are few artists who seem to be doing anything particularly new. There are a few gems to be found nevertheless.

Sully has a talent for 2 step programming which I have a real soft spot for: satisfying melodic progressions and insanely tight percussion, shuffling high hats, drums that swing off the beat, and syncopation; plenty of space to shimmy your ass in between where the sounds hit.

Low quality youtube rips do no favours to the production here as usual, so I can only recommend you get some meaty k.b.p.esses in you through your usual digital data administration pipe.

You can buy from here[]=&commit=

These are 3 track previews from the E.P's

There is jungle and hardcore here too in the bass and the rolling snares, clever and economical use of vocals; what to me seems like a fine distillation of the classic noises from these genres into something current and fresh.


  1. I really dig this,especially that last track. Excellent use of the oldschool samples as you say Jimbo, I like the speed it's at, just nice head bobbing groovy speed.

    Unfortunately, having gotten the old soulseek hounds on the trail, I've discovered that there is also a very bad 'hard trance' artist called Sully, who has just sullied my speakers in an unforgivable manner. I was even willing to give it a chance until the synths kicked in. Shitting Christ there's some bad music in the world.


    here's a mix too
